# setting up
terra 1.8.5
Wesley Rancher
December 19, 2024
January 21, 2025
This R script reads in NDWI images derived the blue-red/blue+red equation, converts them to binary images using a threshold from the literature, and then removes outlier pixels which are disconnected from large water bodies.
Just working with one file in this example. But you can imagine reading in a list of files and performing this operation iteratively with a for loop.
So this is what the NDWI image looks like. Let’s visualize as lake vs non lake.
This looks good but if you look at some of the isolated yellow pixels, they would then be considered a lake pixel even if disconnected from the larger lake. So we remove those.
# function to sieve
lake_sieve <- function(ndwi_thres_raster) {
# get connected components
connected_comp <- patches(ndwi_thres_raster, directions = 4, zeroAsNA = TRUE)
components <- unique(values(connected_comp), na.rm = TRUE)
components <- components[components != 0 & !is.na(components)]
cell_indices <- unique(values(connected_comp, na.rm = TRUE))
# empty mask for valid lakes
valid_lake_mask <- rast(ndwi_thres_raster)
values(valid_lake_mask) <- 0
min_pixel <- 10
min_width <- 1
#loop over each ndwi scene
for (comp_id in components) {
# get cell indices for the current cc
cell_indices <- which(values(connected_comp) == comp_id)
if (length(cell_indices) < min_pixel) next
# convert cell indices to coordinates
coords <- xyFromCell(ndwi_thres_raster, cell_indices)
width <- length(unique(coords[, "x"]))
height <- length(unique(coords[, "y"]))
# check if the component meets width/height requirements
if (width <= min_width || height <= min_width) next
values(valid_lake_mask)[cell_indices] <- 1 #update valid lake
Apply the function
Looking good!! This is just a qualitative sieving technique and could easily adapt to more stats-based approaches. This layer can now be used to mask other rasters to. In my approach, I mask images in the red and panchromatic wavelengths by this image to isolate lakes and apply radiative transfer equations.